Beth & Daniel’s wedding ceremony at St Nicolas’ church in Great Bookham, Surrey. An intimate wedding at the church with the coronavirus restrictions didn’t stop us having an amazing time and getting some beautiful photographs in the surrounding church grounds with the autumnal colours in the foliage.

Great Bookham Wedding in October

I LOVE this lych gate at the church ground entrance, on the corner of Bookham’s famous square-about. Some good timing avoided having to capture any traffic in the background of this shot, with just the historic buildings of the village in the background.

The colours of autumn were really starting to show through, and I pushed the yellows a little more in my post processing to get a little more from the shots in Lightroom.
After the church ceremony, and a few group photos outside with family and the bridal party, we headed off for a walk around Bookham common to get some photographs in the woodland. I know that Beth & Daniel love the outdoors, so I wanted to make the most of the fact that we had dodged the rain so far, and get some shots in the countryside woodland of their hometown.
Bookham Common Wedding Photographs

Some of the colour coming through is really subtle, but completely different to how it looked a few months ago. The changing seasons always make using backgrounds like these interesting, and even when the background is blurred out, it’s good to try to compose with an assortment of different colours/textures in the background.

For a final shot, Barnaby, our trusted chauffeur helped me get the veil to this key position sweeping away from he camera, giving a leading line composition.