We’ve started shopping for our wedding rings over the past couple of weekends and I’ve learned a few small tips that I thought I’d share with you all.
For once, guys tend to be more fussy than girls. I know, I was quite shocked too; but I can’t choose! Speaking with one jeweller, he said that most guys aren’t used to wearing jewellery at all, so it feels strange to consider buying one piece of jewellery (something we’ve never done for ourselves before) knowing that we’ll wear it for the rest of our lives! It’s a big decision and we don’t want to make it lightly. You want to choose something beautiful and timeless that you can wear forever!
Getting a metal that matches your engagement ring so that when they rub together, they don’t wear against each other unevenly.
Things to look at when buying a ring
Metal Type: This will largely define the price for you, so be realistic with your budget and select the metal first! Then you can look at various designs, based around your budget.
Style: Lots of different cuts will affect how much the wedding ring feels on your finger and how it looks. You can get shapes from squared edges to rounded ones and different cuts to suit you. You can slo put gems in
Weight: Titanium is a much lighter metal than more traditional metals and it is also much stronger! The ring weight will obviously affect how it feels on your finger, so try plenty on at a shop before buying one!
Width: The width is obviously more expensive the larger you want your ring to be. It will depend on your finger size and how large you want the ring to look in comparison to the rest of your hand.
Finish: Grooved edges, brushed metal or polished mirror are all popular styles. Again, try plenty on and see what feels good for you.
We’ve considered small, independent jewellers against larger, chain stores here in Brighton. There isn’t much of a price difference, and, unlike the engagement ring you’re not really shopping for the quality of a diamond and it’s usually just about the metal. I bought an engagement ring from an independent but I think I’m going to buy my ring from a chain store, as I believe that I’ll get a bit more for my money.
You could also go online, a number of online retailers claim to be cheaper as you’re buying direct from them but shop around once you’ve found a style, metal and size you like. You could also consider buying your ring second hand if you;re looking to pick up a bargain and get a lot more for your money.
The hierarchy of metals in terms of price, seems to go from Platinum, Palladium, White Gold, Yellow Gold, Titanium, Tungsten & finally Silver. This website article by Wedding Ideas Mag was a very helpful introduction to the various metals you can choose from at most jewellery stores.
What did you find when buying your ring? Please comment below and share your experience with others!

P.S. For Photographers, when photographing wedding rings, zoom in, use F8 and the fastest shutter speed you can, preferably over 1/100. I find placing rings on simple backgrounds works best, particularly either a textured surface or using the order of service! Don’t forget your rule of thirds, or opt for a central composition instead.